Neapolitan Mastiff
Neapolitan Mastiff
The slow, rolling gait of this unique breed might be described as lumbering, but there's no mistaking the power in each stride. As he approaches, his massive size, loose skin, and thick facial wrinkles evoke speechless awe, followed by the question, "What type of dog is that?" This striking gentle giant is the Neapolitan Mastiff, also known as the mastino.
The Neapolitan Mastiff is history come to life. His ancestry is thought to date to 3000 BCE, the beginning of the Bronze Age, the time when Upper and Lower Egypt were unified and mastiff-like working and guard dogs emerged in Tibet.
While his appearance is unnerving, looks are deceiving. The Neo, as he's often nicknamed, has a reputation for being an affectionate 200-pound lap dog. He is a constant guardian with an intimidating stare that he directs toward strangers, but he's far from being a fighting dog. Steady and loyal, his primary goal is to be with his people. He'll defend them with ferocity if need be, but he's typically not aggressive without reason.
Like all puppies, young Neos are active, but they mature into adulthood with a preference for lounging around the home or yard. Although they're pretty mellow indoors, Neos aren't especially suited for life in an apartment or condo unless they have room to sprawl. Otherwise, they're likely to shove your furniture out of place or knock objects over in their attempts to find a comfortable resting spot.